Cyprus permanent residence

Simple Process to Become Cyprus Permanent Citizen


Cyprus is one of the best countries to consider for migration if you want to change your citizenship.  The country is beautiful and its strategic location at the intersection of three continents makes this country one of the most popular tourist sites in the world. The local foods are wonderful and will keep you coming back for more. The delicious cheeses available all over the country will make you ask for more. The Commandaria is considered as the oldest brand of wine in the world. A taste of this wine will make you ask for more.  You can bring your skillselect to the country and become a permanent resident here. Continue reading to learn more about the various methods via which you can become a citizen of Cyprus.

Cyprus permanent residence program

This is one of the many methods via which you can become a Cyprus resident. Before you can participate in this program and be counted worthy for Cyprus permanent residence, you must be ready to invest up to 300,000 EUR excluding VAT. You must also transfer a steady amount of money from a foreign source into a fixed bank account in Cyprus. The money must be kept in that Cyprus bank account for a minimum of three years.  If you meet up with these requirements, you will be qualified to become a Cyprus citizen under the Cyprus permanent residence program.  After you have qualified for the program as described above, you will only have to wait for about 3 months before you can complete the processing for the residency.

The Category F 6 (2) Immigration Permit will give you a Non-EU national, which will give you the right to reside in Cyprus permanently.  The form will automatically exempts you from any form of immigration entry procedures, like Visitor’s Visa.  You will not be the only beneficiary of the program; even your family members can benefit from the opportunity. Yes, you can bring your spouse and children along with you to Cyprus as they too can become citizens once you qualify for the program as described above.  You r children must be under 18 years old and any other person that is financially dependent on you must not be older than 25 years.

Cyprus permanent residenceCitizenship offer is not limited to Cyprus; several other European countries also offer citizenship programs and these programs also cover citizens of different countries.  You can become a citizen of many European countries by investing in those countries.  Investing in Cyprus is considered as the fastest way to become a citizen in the country; this is because the processing does not take more than 4 months to complete.  Portugal is one other country that works like Cyprus as far as citizenship is concerned. In Portugal also, you can become a permanent resident by investing in the real estate market in that country.  However, you will have to maintain that investment in Portugal for up to 6 years before you can become a permanent resident.  In Bulgaria, on the other hand, the person seeking citizenship can get it fast by investing in government bonds of that country